For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Reason in Revolt, Vol. I
Dialectical Philosophy and Modern Science
  • Ted Grant
  • Alan Woods
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Reason in Revolt, Vol. I. Dialectical Philosophy and Modern Science
Sound Bite
Many people are discontented with their lives, which seem empty and unfulfilling, and they don't understand why. This work looks at the theory of Dialectical Materialism, first expounded by Marx and Engels, that offers useful insights into the problem. Dialectical Materialism is a comprehensive methodology explaining the unity of the laws that govern nature, science and society, from evolution to chaos theory, nuclear physics to childhood development.

About the Author

Ted Grant was born in Germiston, near Johannesburg in South Africa . He was influenced by the ideas of Marxism at an early age and became a convinced Marxist at the age of fifteen. After active involvement in South African Communist politics he emigrated to Britain in 1934 where he joined the Independent Labour Party. Soon he joined the Labour League of Youth, the youth section of the Labour Party, and participated in the struggle against Mosley's Blackshirts, including the battle of Cable Street . In 1938 he helped found the Workers International League which later fused with others to form the Revolutionary Workers Party. Grant became its leading theoretician. He rejoined the Labour Party in 1950 and produced a Marxist magazine called the International Socialist. In 1964 he helped launch the newspaper Militant, acting as its political editor. He was expelled from the Labour Party in September 1983. He is at present a major contributor to the British Marxist magazine Socialist Appeal and its web site 'In Defence of Marxism' (

Throughout his life Ted Grant has played an active part in the Marxist movement in Britain and internationally. He has written extensively over several decades producing countless articles and pamphlets. His selected writings entitled The Unbroken Thread ( were published in 1989. The book Lenin and Trotsky: What They Really Stood For, co-authored with Alan Woods, was published in 1969. Pamphlets written by Grant include 'Scotland: Socialism or Nationalism" (1992), "Where is Britain Going?" (1995), the book Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science" co-authored again with Alan Woods in 1995 and his book published in 1997.

Alan Woods is the author of many works covering a wide spectrum of issues: Marxism in Our Time (1992), China in Crisis (1994), The Socialist Alternative to the European Union (1997), Revolution in Albania (1997), A New Stage in the Capitalist Crisis (1998), Indonesia: the Asian Revolution has Begun (1998), Kosovo: The Balkans Crisis Continues (1998, and Crisis in Russia, The Free Market Failure, and two books co-authored with Ted Grant, Lenin and Trotsky: What They Really Stood For (1969) and more recently, Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science (1995). He is currently the editor of the Marxist journal Socialist Appeal, published in London and a regular contributor to the popular web site In Defence of Marxism.

About the Book
Many people are discontented with their lives. It is not just a question of material poverty ' although that exists in the USA as in all other countries. It is also a question of spiritual poverty: the emptiness of people's lives, the...
Many people are discontented with their lives. It is not just a question of material poverty ' although that exists in the USA as in all other countries. It is also a question of spiritual poverty: the emptiness of people's lives, the mind-deadening routine of work that is just so many hours out of one's life; the alienation that divides men and women from each other; the absence of human relations and solidarity that is deliberately fostered in a society that proudly proclaims the laws of the jungle and the so-called survival of the fittest (read: wealthiest); the mind-numbing banality of a commercialized 'culture.' In this kind of world, the question we should be asking ourselves is not 'Is there a life after death,' but rather, 'Is there a life before death? Although many people feel in their innermost being that something is going badly wrong, they find no logical explanation for it. That is not surprising. The entire way in which they have been taught to think from their earliest years conditions them to reject any suggestion that there is something fundamentally wrong with the society in which they live. They will close their eyes and try to avoid drawing uncomfortable conclusions for as long as they can. Reason in Revolt further develops the theory of Dialectical Materialism, using the most important scientific discoveries of the 20th century as a tool. First exposed by Marx and Engels, Dialectical Materialism is a comprehensive methodology explaining the unity of the laws that govern nature, science and society, from evolution to chaos theory, nuclear physics to childhood development. First published in 1995 to coincide with Engel's centenary, Reason in Revolt has had a great success around the world. It has been published in Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Urdu, and is now being translated into German and Flemish. The Spanish edition recently went into its second edition. To date, no one has found serious fault with the science of the book. And every new discovery of science serves to confirm the statement of Engels, that 'in the last analysis, Nature works dialectically.'
Table of Contents
Part One: Reason and Unreason Philosophy and Religion Dialectical Materialism Formal Logic and Dialectics Part Two: Time, Space and Motion Revolution in Physics Uncertainty and Idealism Rela
Part One: Reason and Unreason Philosophy and Religion Dialectical Materialism Formal Logic and Dialectics Part Two: Time, Space and Motion Revolution in Physics Uncertainty and Idealism Relativity Theory The Arrow of Time The Big Bang Part Three: Life, Mind and Matter The Dialectics of Geology How Life Arose The Revolutionary Birth of Man The Genesis of Mind Marxism and Darwinism The Selfish Gene?

Pages 268
Year: 2002
LC Classification: HX541.G736
Dewey code: 335.4'112
BISAC: PHI031000
BISAC: SCI075000
BISAC: POL005000
ISBN: 978-0-87586-156-2
Price: USD 21.95
Hard Cover
ISBN: 978-0-87586-157-9
Price: USD 28.95
ISBN: 978-0-87586-170-8
Price: USD 21.95
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